
Lore of the drunken Kings.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Setting: The rogue
Time: after 10pm

We were rudely asked to move our location.
They gave us some lame excuse.I responded that we weren't leaving.

They called their friends over.
Jesse and I ignored them.
we drank our beer.

More words were exchanged.
I made a phone call.

More of their friends arrived.
My friends arrived.

We went outside.
J. made them all his bitches.
no blows were thrown.

We went back inside.
I got drunk.
I saw some old friends.


Saturday, June 05, 2004

ohh drunken lore how I have forsaken thee.

so last night I went to a party and then we left that party for another party that was just as much of a party as the last "party"

At this party I helped start a fire with a mop.
we used a log and some beer boxes and some dumbass threw in a chair.

Then a fo real dumbass threw in a bottle of hairspray.
then that dumbass kid got a chemical burn and had to be rushed to the hospital.

Now I was right next to the fire when it blew up but I was just our of range from getting burning hairspray on myself.

But the explosion caused some kind of paint to splash on my new nautica shirt that I bought for work.
now it may be ruined..and I only slept 2 hours.

peace hippies...

Sunday, March 28, 2004

"you have an incredibly luscious ass" -some chick to me after asking to grab my ass

yes and thank you

Sunday, March 21, 2004

I realized that If I were to share with you all the knowledge that I learned on Spring break I would be here much longer than I care to write this post.

After all I left my heart In San deigo..

Monday, March 15, 2004

Last nght/this early morning

Jay,Chicago,Julio,DOnaldo,Memo and I all went out.

Some of us drank especially jay.

JAY: Ah fucker youre always biting me like your brother

Im going to take you outside and rape you.

Chicago had one beer and got mad that people were commenting on his broken arm.
that looks funky.

Im goina smash both their noses up into their faces and break their teeth like their little chiclets

Sunday, March 14, 2004

"Ooops Sorry my ass is still sore"

"Too much Anal Sex" -Erica S.

as told to Mulk,Agent Gatton and Samwise On jenn 23rd B-day at owls nest

P.S. sorry folks she was just kidding..I think

Monday, February 16, 2004

I showed Carlos,Robert and Goods, My testicle.

They were amazed at its size.

My one Ball is bigger than both of Carlos's.

The funny thing is it didnt get that much bigger.

and My mom always wondered why I always walked funny....

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